Tribal Dummies are sold and manufactured by Lui's Woodworks, Stafford, Brisbane. Lui started Lui's Woodworks over 25+ years ago in 1993.
All Wooden Martial Arts Dummies are fully manufactured in the Brisbane workshop. There are no finished parts that have been imported.
For the past 12 years our focus has shifted to perfecting the dummies and weapons, making them full-time.
"I feel like I have been adopted into the Wing Chung society and I am humbled and overwhelmed by the support I have received." - Lui
A special thanks to everyone that has supported me from the beginning. I'm sure there are people I have missed, but a special thanks to the schools that are using our dummies and continued support from the wider community.
- Sifu Paul and Sifu Diane from Kung Fu Studio who have permitted me to use their videos using our Tribal Dummies products.
- Sifu Leigh Duff who has permitted me to use their videos using our Tribal Dummies products.
- Sifu Leigh Duff who has permitted me to use their videos using our Tribal Dummies products.
- Grandmast Samual Kwok
- Former middleweight world champion Sifu Rick Spain